Thursday, September 9, 2021

What's the time now? Where are you?

 We will:

1. Tell the time

2. Tell the place.

Can you tell the time? The short hand is for hour. The long hand is for minutes. Half past means it's 30 minutes after the hour. For example, half past four means 4.30. 

Meanwhile, a quarter past means 15 minutes after the hour. For example, a quarter past five means 5.15. Where are you at 5.15? At the cinema? At the park? Let's look at the video below.


 Now, let's play. If you have a clock in the house, you can use to play the game.

1. Move the short hand to any hour. 
2. Move the long hand to 15/30 minutes after the hour.
3. Ask your partner:
   a) What's the time?
   b) Where are you? (Cinema? Park? Library? Museum?)
4. Switch partners and play again.

Let's practice!


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