Sunday, May 23, 2021

Writing about everyday activities.

Emily would like to share about what she does everyday. Let's listen:

Now, let's write in sentences. A sentence is a group of words to form a statement, instruction and questions. It must always starts with a CAPITAL LETTER and ends with a full stop. Now, let's try:

I get up at 5 o'clock. I brush my teeth and take a shower. Then, my mum drives me to school. I like to cook. I want to be a chef when I grow up.

*We combine two sentences into one using and.

What do you do everyday?


I get up at 10 am.i eat breakfast,take my shower then I walk to school.After school I shower and then I play with my baby sister.I like to eat cake. When I grow up a want to be a pasty chef.

Aayan Muhammad bin Mohamad Hanafi 3 Kekwa

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